#New theme #default color sheme, will be substituted gtk_color_sheme = "fg_color:#4a524a524a52\nbg_color:#d8c5d8c5d8c5\ntext_color:#231923192319\nbase_color:#c469d02ae1c7\nselected_fg_color:#e199e199e199\nselected_bg_color:#38385b5bf5f5\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000000000\ntooltip_bg_color:#fea1ffffbcd3" #gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#000000\nbg_color:#EDECEB\nbase_color:#ffffff\ntext_color:#1A1A1A\nselected_bg_color:#86ABD9\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff\ntooltip_bg_color:#F5F5B5\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000" gtk-button-images = 0 gtk-icon-sizes="gtk-button=14,14" #some default sizes, we do not know where else to apply style "default_sizes" { GtkContainer::border_width = 0 GtkWidget::default_border = {0,0,0,0} GtkWidget::border_width = 0 #this allows us to not have the dotted line around the widget, should be used for buttons, but for list we need it for move/copy GtkWidget::focus-line-width=1 GtkWidget::focus-width=0 GtkWidget::focus-padding=0 GtkWidget::focus-pad=0 GtkButton ::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton ::default-outside-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton ::displace-focus = 0 GtkButton ::image-spacing = 0 GtkButton ::inner-border = { 1, 1, 0, 0 } GtkScale::slider_length = 14 GtkPaned::handle_size=3 GtkButtonBox::child-internal-pad-x= 5 GtkButtonBox::child-internal-pad-y= 0 GtkButtonBox::child-min-height = 0 GtkButtonBox::child-min-widht = 0 GtkCheckButton ::indicator_size= 14 GtkTreeView::expander_size = 14 GtkTreeView::grid-line-width=0 GtkTreeView::grid-line-pattern = "\001\000\000" GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 1 #allow even/not-even coloring #GtkTreeView::even-row-color = "#E7EDF6"#F0F0F0" #Not working? GtkTreeView::expander-size = 8 GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator = 0 #??not doing anything #GtkTreeView::odd-row-color = "#FBFBFB"#D0DBEC"#000000" # GtkTreeView::row-ending-details = 0 #to work the above! GtkTreeView::tree-line-width = 0 GtkTreeView::tree-line-pattern="\001\000" GtkTreeView::vertical-separator = 0 GtkExpander::expander_size = 16 GtkExpander::expander-spacing=2 #GtkToolbar ::button-relief = GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL GtkToolbar::space-size = 0 GtkRange::activate-slider=0 GtkRange::arrow_displacement_x = 0 GtkRange::arrow-displacement-y = 2 GtkRange::slider-width = 13 GtkRange::stepper-size = 13 #dyljina na butonite GtkRange::stepper-spacing = 0 #razstoqnie mejdu steperite i pluzgacha GtkRange::trough-border = 0 #Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel. GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0 #razstoqnie mejdu scrolerite i vatreshniq djam GtkScrollbar::fixed-slider-length = 0 GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1 #FALSE GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 1 #TRUE GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0 #TRUE GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-forward-stepper = 0 #FALSE GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = 25 #minimalna duljina na pluzgacha NautilusIconContainer::highlight_alpha=160 #NautilusIconContainer::dark_info_color="#404040" #NautilusIconContainer::light_info_color="#F3F3F3" NautilusIconContainer::frame_text = 0 NautilusIconContainer::normal_alpha = 0 #NautilusIconContainer::normal-icon-color = "#A0A0A0"#000000" GtkMessageDialog::use-separator = 1 GtkIconView::selection-box-color = "#A0A0A0" GtkIconView::selection-box-alpha = 200 GtkEntry::inner-border = { 1,1,0,0 } GtkTextView::cursor-visible = 0 WnckTasklist ::fade-overlay-rect = 0 xthickness = 1 ythickness = 1 } style "colors" = "default_sizes" { fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color) bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.1, @bg_color) bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @bg_color) base[NORMAL] = @base_color base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color) base[ACTIVE] = mix(0.5, "#FFFFFF" , shade (0.7, @selected_bg_color )) base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color text[NORMAL] = @text_color text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color) } style "main" = "colors" { engine "murrine" { listviewstyle = 1 contrast = 1.0 menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glass, 2 = gradient menubaritemstyle = 1 # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look listviewheaderstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = glass roundness = 1 glazestyle = 0 animation = TRUE scrollbarstyle = 5 gradients = TRUE hilight_ratio = 0.9 } } #Apply defaults class "GtkWidget" style "main" style "tb1" { GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } #GtkButton::default_outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } #This adds a little extra horizontal thickness to the buttons. I've added this so #the label on a button has a little room on either side. xthickness=3 engine "pixmap" { image { function=BOX recolorable= TRUE state = NORMAL detail = "buttondefault" shadow = IN file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = NORMAL shadow = OUT file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = PRELIGHT shadow = OUT file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch= TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = PRELIGHT shadow = IN file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch= TRUE } image { function= BOX recolorable= TRUE state= NORMAL shadow = IN file= "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch= TRUE } image { function= BOX recolorable= TRUE state = INSENSITIVE shadow = IN file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border= { 1,1,23,23 } stretch= TRUE } image { function= BOX recolorable = TRUE state= INSENSITIVE shadow= OUT file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border= { 1,1,29,29} stretch= TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = SELECTED shadow = IN file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border= {1,1,29,29 } stretch = TRUE } image { function= BOX recolorable= TRUE state= ACTIVE shadow = IN file = "Panel/toolbar.png" border = { 1,1,23,23 } stretch = TRUE } } } style "toolbar" = "main" { GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } #GtkButton::default_outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } #This adds a little extra horizontal thickness to the buttons. I've added this so #the label on a button has a little room on either side. xthickness=3 engine "clearlooks" { style=GUMMY toolbarstyle = 0 } } class "GtkToolbar" style "toolbar" style "comboboxentry" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::inner-border = {1,1,1,0} } class "GtkComboBoxEntry" style "comboboxentry" style "progressbar" = "main" { font_name = "Liberation Sans 8" xthickness = 1 ythickness = 1 bg[SELECTED] = shade(1.4 , @selected_bg_color) engine "clearlooks" { style = GUMMY } } class "GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar" class "GnomeAppBar" style "progressbar" widget_class "*.GnomeAppBar*." style "progressbar" widget_class "*.*Ephi*.*GtkContainer" style "progressbar" widget_class "*.*Ephi*.*GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar" widget_class "*.*Ephi*.*GtkFrame" style "progressbar" widget "GtkProgress" style "progressbar" class "GtkEventBox" style "progressbar" include "menurc" class "GtkMenu" style "menu" include "menuitemrc" class "GtkMenuItem" style "menuitem" widget_class "*.*MenuItem*" style "menuitem" widget_class "*MenuItem.*" style "menuitem" style "gtkmenusep" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 1 } class "GtkSeparatorMenuItem" style "gtkmenusep" style "menubar" = "main" { #bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "backgr.png" GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE GtkMenuBar::internal-padding = 0 xthickness = 2 ythickness = 2 } class "*MenuBar*" style "menubar" style "scrollbar" = "main" { bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.5, "#FFFFFF", @selected_bg_color) #shade (1.5 ,@selected_bg_color) engine "aurora" { arrowsize = 1 old_arrowstyle = TRUE animation = FALSE } } class "GtkScrollbar" style "scrollbar" style "theme-toolbutton" = "main" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color) bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) # bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.7, @selected_bg_color) bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.5, "#FFFFFF", @selected_bg_color) xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::inner_border = {0,0,0,0} engine "murrine" { roundness = 2 gradients = TRUE glazestyle = 1 hilight_ratio = 1.0 contrast = 0.1 } } widget_class "*Tool*GtkToggleButton" style "theme-toolbutton" widget_class "*Tool*GtkButton" style "theme-toolbutton" style "button" = "main" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::default-outside-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::displace-focus = 0 GtkButton::image-spacing = 0 GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::inner-border = {4,4,1,1} ythickness = 3 bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color) bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.45, @selected_bg_color ) #mix (0.5, "#FFFFFF", @selected_bg_color) engine "murrine" { roundness = 8 gradients = TRUE glazestyle = 3 hilight_ratio = 1.0 contrast = 0.1 } } class "GtkButton" style "button" class "GtkCombo" style "button" #Make the close button on notebooks to not have border so that we display the full #pixmap and not cut it off (like in gedit for example) style "b" = "button" { GtkButton::inner-border = {1,1,1,1} } widget_class "*.GeditNotebook.*.GtkButton" style "b" widget_class "*.EphyNotebook*GtkButton" style "b" widget_class "*.TerminalNotebook*GtkButton" style "b" style "entry" = "main" { GtkEntry::inner-border = { 1,1,0,0} GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 #not doing it xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 # engine "clearlooks" { # animation = FALSE # } } engine "murrine" { contrast = 1.5 roundness = 6 } } class "GtkEntry" style "entry" style "eentry" = "main" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 #not doing it xthickness = 3 ythickness = 1 # engine "clearlooks" { # animation = FALSE # } } engine "murrine" { contrast = 1.5 roundness = 1 } } widget "EphyWindow.GtkVBox.GtkVBox.EphyToolbar.GtkHBox.GtkToolbar.EphyLocationEntry.GtkAlignment.EphyIconEntry.GtkHBox.GtkEntry" style "eentry" style "comboboxentry" = "button" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::inner-border = {1,1,1,0} } class "GtkComboBoxEntry" style "comboboxentry" style "entry1" = "main" { font_name = "Liberation Sans 12" engine "aurora" {} } class "GtkText" style "entry1" class "GtkTextView" style "entry1" class "GtkEditable" style "entry1" class "GtkOldEditable" style "entry1" style "notebook" = "main" { GtkNotebook::tab-overlap=1 GtkNotebook::tab-curvature=0 xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 engine "clearlooks" { style = GUMMY } } class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook" widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkEventBox" style "notebook" widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkViewport" style "notebook" style "metacity-frame" = "main" { bg[SELECTED] = mix ( 0.20 , "#000000", shade (1.3, @selected_bg_color)) } class "MetaFrames" style "metacity-frame" class "GtkWindow" style "metacity-frame" style "clearlooks-nautilus-location" { bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.60, shade (1.05,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color) } widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "clearlooks-nautilus-location" style "clearlooks-combobox-text-color-workaround" { text[NORMAL] = @fg_color text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color text[ACTIVE] = @fg_color text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color) } widget_class "*.." style "clearlooks-combobox-text-color-workaround" style "tree-labels" = "main" { font_name = "Lucida Grande 8" xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } widget_class "*.GtkTreeView.*.GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" widget_class "*.GtkCTree.*.GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" widget_class "*.GtkList.*.GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" widget_class "*.GtkCList.*.GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" widget_class "*.GtkToolButton.*.GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" widget_class "*.GtkClist*GtkLabel" style "tree-labels" style "frame" = "main" { engine "clearlooks" { style = GUMMY } } class "GtkFrame" style "frame" style "status" = "main" { font_name = "Liberation Sans 9" xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } class "GtkStatusbar" style "status" widget_class "*.GtkStatusbar.*" style "status" widget "TotemStatusbar" style "status" widget_class "*.*TotemStatusbar*.*" style "status" widget_class "*.*RBStatusbar*.*" style "status" widget_class "*.*EphyStatusbar*.*" style "status" widget "EphyStatusbar" style "status" class "EphyStatusbar" style "status" style "theme-tree" = "main" { GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::default-outside-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::displace-focus = 0 GtkButton::image-spacing = 0 xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 engine "murrine" { contrast = 1.1 hilight_ratio = 0.93 gradients = TRUE } } widget_class "*.GtkTreeView.GtkButton" style "theme-tree" widget_class "*.GtkCTree.GtkButton" style "theme-tree" widget_class "*.GtkList.GtkButton" style "theme-tree" widget_class "*.GtkCList.GtkButton" style "theme-tree" style "gtkscale" { bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color) bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.4, @selected_bg_color) bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.1, @selected_bg_color) xthickness = 1 ythickness = 1 #GtkRange::trough-side-details = 1 engine "murrine" { roundness = 7 gradients = FALSE glazestyle = 1 contrast = 0.2 hilight_ratio = 1.0 } } class "GtkScale" style "gtkscale" style "radiobutton" = "main" { xthickness = 1 ythickness = 1 engine "aurora" { animation = TRUE } } class "GtkRadioButton" style "radiobutton" class "GtkCheckButton" style "radiobutton" style "clearlooks-tooltips" = "main" { xthickness = 4 ythickness = 4 bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color } widget "gtk-tooltips" style "clearlooks-tooltips" widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "clearlooks-tooltips" style "panelbuttons" = "main" { GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::default-outside-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } GtkButton::displace-focus = 0 GtkButton::image-spacing = 0 GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0 GtkButton::inner-border = {0,0,0,0} #bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color) bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.01, @selected_bg_color ) xthickness = 1 ythickness = 0 engine "murrine" { roundness = 7 } } widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" widget_class "*Panel*GtkButton" style "panelbuttons" style "panel" = "button" { bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color bg[PRELIGHT] = mix (0.5, "#FFFFFF", @selected_bg_color) bg[SELECTED] = shade(1.4 , @selected_bg_color) GtkButton::inner-border = {3,3,0,0} xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 } class "*Panel*" style "panel" class "*notif*" style "panel" class "*Notif*" style "panel" class "*Tray*" style "panel" class "*tray*" style "panel" widget_class "*Panel*" style "panel"